The Rhode Island Laborers' District Council
an affiliate of
Laborers' International Union of North America
The Rhode Island Laborers' District Council is a consortium of seven of our Rhode Island LIUNA affiliates. Our members are over 12,000 women and men working in the fields of construction, public service, healthcare and gaming.
Arthur Jordan, Business Manager
Gina M. Sabitoni-Arakelian
Danielle Damiani
President Michael F. Sabitoni Kicks off RI Apprenticeship Week on Construction Day (Nov. 8-14)
President Sabitoni commended Building Futures and its pre-apprenticeship programs during a leadership celebration, November 10th , on National Construction Day. Sabitoni praised Orlando Correra, who received the Building Futures Alumni Leadership Award for his commitment to his trade and his activism in the community. Correa is a journey Ironworker who began his success with Building Futures. Building Futures prepares individuals for family supporting careers in construction, meeting the industry needs of employers to remain competitive in the 21st century. President Sabitoni is a Building Futures Board Member and was instrumental in establishing the organization that provides qualified candidates to get the support, training and certification in their career.
Statement from President Michael F. Sabitoni:
“Union registered apprenticeship programs are the gold standard in the construction industry. When you become an apprentice, you enjoy all the benefits that come with being a proud union member. Union members earn far better wages and benefits than workers who are non-union. Employers and signatory contractors remain competitive with a highly skilled, trained and safety conscious workforce thanks to our apprenticed workforce. I am proud the RI Building Trades have embraced Building Futures, leading the way in meeting industry standards through registered apprenticeship, while creating family-sustaining work opportunities for individuals in our community. It is an honor to kick off RI Apprenticeship Week with all of our partners in the Union Construction Industry.”
Rhode Island Building Trades, and its Signatory Contractors Raise Money to Support Salute Military Golf Association
(L-R) Armand E. Sabitoni, LIUNA General Secretary-Treasurer and New England Regional Manager, David Rampone, President, Hart Engineering Corp; Michael F. Sabitoni, President RIBCTC
The RI Building & Construction Trades Council is proud to be a sponsor of the Salute Military Golf Association (SMGA) which provides rehabilitative golf programs for wounded war veterans in an effort to improve the quality of life for these American heroes. Over the summer, the RI Building Trades, the RI Associated General Contractor (RI-AGC) and its partners in the labor movement raised nearly $30,000 for this critical organization that supports veterans with post-traumatic stress disorders and traumatic brain injuries.
The RI Building Trades and its partners raise money at SMGA Charity Golf Tournament
Below are letters from veterans themselves thanking labor leaders for their generous support:
First and foremost, I want to thank you all for your support and generous donations to the SMGA. My name is Paul Mignosa and I served in the Navy from 2008 - 2013, supporting both Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
The SMGA allows me to connect with other veterans who have gone through, or who still struggle with the same challenges we face as disabled veterans. It also offers clinics, equipment, and events that are important to the moral welfare of us veterans.
Just wanted to say THANK YOU - your kind donations make all of this possible!
Paul Mignosa
Executive Director, Rhode Island
My name is Johanna Bravo, I'm part of SMGA RI. I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know how appreciated and wonderful it is that you sponsored our group. I don't know if you realize how much all of you are helping Veterans like me to use golfing as therapy. I feel calm and I can focus more when I'm out there on the fairway. I forget all the bad dreams and just enjoy the time with my teammates. A very sincere thank you to all of you, this means a lot to me, and I know it means a lot to the other guys. If there's a time when you may need my help, with anything, I'm here for you. I'm forever grateful and humbled by your gift.
Yours truly,
Johanna Bravo
I am writing you this morning to express my sincere gratitude for your donations to help keep the Salute Military Golf Associations Rhode Island program running. Over the past four years I have come to learn and love the game of golf and use it as a tool to cope with my PTSD. I am considered completely disabled by the VA and consider myself extremely lucky to have found an organization like the SMGA.
Over the years my mental health has had it's ups and downs, however I always find myself looking forward to the comradery I find within this group and the healing effect golf has on me. Knowing that your donations have allowed the organization to continue next year and beyond brings me great comfort and excitement.
I can not thank you enough for the gift you have provided not only to myself, but countless other veterans who will use golf to heal the wounds of war. My only hope is that the program can not only continue but also expand in order to help other veterans find the comfort and comradery I have found through the game of golf.
Thank you,
Bryan Laren
SMGA RI member
LIUNA Laborers’ Local 271 Retiree and Vice President of the RI Laborers’ Retiree Council Featured in Book and on the News!
On Veteran’s Day, our own Brother Johnny ‘Bugs’ DeLeo, LIUNA Laborers’ Local 271 Retiree and RI Laborers’ Retiree Council Vice President was featured on local news for serving on the Battleship USS Missouri during WWII . The Missouri earned three battle stars and was also the site where Japan’s official surrender was signed ending the war. Brother Deleo’s extraordinary experience is detailed in the book, A Life Well-Lived, written by his daughter, Janet.
Below is the link and transcript of Brother Deleo featured on WPRI-TV 12. You can purchase the book online or locally at Barrington books in Garden City.
JOHNSTON, R.I. (WPRI) ─ John DeLeo had just turned 18 when he embarked on a historic journey.The Rhode Islander joined the U.S. Navy in 1944, and while his time in the service was short-lived, his memories have lasted a lifetime. “I was stationed when they were assembling a crew for my ship,” he said, referencing the U.S.S. Missouri. The vessel is docked at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, symbolizing its significant role in American history. DeLeo was there when the Japanese surrendered aboard the U.S.S. Missouri, ending World War II. “The highlights are really when they surrendered,” he recalled. “There were hundreds of men up on the infrastructure trying to witness what was happening. They were surrounded by dignitaries from all over.” DeLeo was discharged shortly after the war ended and he returned home. Now, at 94 years old, DeLeo remembers those who didn’t get a chance to tell their stories, especially on Veterans Day. “The thought that crosses my mind are the boys that didn’t come home,” he said. “They are the boys that deserve the credit.” Most would argue that DeLeo’s story is an important one to tell. That’s why his daughter Janet wrote a book about it. “It’s just a slice of America that existed then,” she said. Her book, titled “A Life Well Lived” explores the life of a hero, who she said she’s lucky to call her dad. “I was just inspired to write his story,” she said. “I think it’s really important for people to get the stories before they are gone forever.”
A Collective Voice
In today's challenging economy and ever-changing work environment, working men and women need a union with strong leadership and a presence in the community. Advocating on behalf of the members of our Locals, the Rhode Island Laborers' District Council regularly meets with developers, planners, contractors, elected officials and community leaders to make sure that our members' voices are heard and their rights are protected.
Union Values
Our affiliate unions negotiate on behalf of their members for fair and safe workplaces, better wages, a secure retirement and family-friendly policies, such as paid sick leave and health benefits. All of the Locals who are members of the Rhode Island Laborers' District Council speak out for fairness for all working families, for creating better standards in the workplace and for policies that strengthen the middle class.
A Better Life
Each Local works in concert with the Rhode Island Laborers' District Council to ensure that our members needs are met through on the job safety conditions as well as fair wages and benefits. In addition, we seek to provide new opportunities for our members through our apprenticeship program, continuing education and scholarships.
Check Rhode Island Laborers' District Council on Twitter
RT @LIUNALocal271: @LIUNALocal271 proudly salutes Terry and Armand for their dedicated service to the members of @LIUNA and wish them…
RT @LIUNALocal271: #LIUNA General Executive Board new appointments from leadership of @LIUNALocal271
RT @LIUNALocal271: Honoring our brother and leader for his incredible leadership and commitment to our members. Tireless dedication to…
RT @LIUNALocal271: Vote YES to secure our children's future in #Johnston #schoolconstruction #buildRI #educationinvestment
RT @LIUNALocal271: The #RI energy transition must be just, we need to ensure we are expanding access to good, family-sustaining jobs i…